How to Combat the Resurrgence of Potato Pest and Diseases in the Plateau

The Unique climate of the plateau that supports Potato Production

Potatoes (Irish) can be grown throughout the world in different climates. Some varieties thrive better in specific climatic conditions than others. Sadly, in most parts of the world, we are familiar with potato varieties selected for their commercial relevance. In Nigeria the Irish potato is commercially grown in Plateau state, even though it could greatly thrive in other regions. The plateau’s cold climate due to its altitude supports growing Irish potatoes. It also supports the cultivation of a number of other vegetables.

The bright and the dark side of growing Potato in the Plateau

While the bulk of Nigeria’s Irish potato supply comes from the plateau, it equally presents a down turn. The cold wet weather characterizes the plateau during the rain fed farm season. It equally favors a number of devastating pests and diseases. In years with heavy infestation, such as in 2022, farmers can lose nearly 50 to 60% of their crops. This loss also affects their investment. An event that can devastate farmers and consumers alike, resulting in price spikes. This situation emphasizes the need for a decentralized approach to food production. It is crucial to avoid all regional and monopolistic farming systems. When one region faces a challenge, the other can provide support.

Potato pest and disease

There are numerous pests and diseases of Irish potato, the most devastating in the Plateau are the following:

image of potato disease

Potato tuber moth, commonly the Phthorimaea operculelle, the most damaging pest of planted and stored potatoes, particularly in tropical regions. Larvae damage and reduce tuber quality by burrowing into tuber to complete its life cycle, a process that further deteriorate tuber by infesting it with molds which eventually decompose the tuber

Late blight, the most dreaded potato disease worldwide. Its causative agent Phytophthora infestans is a mold that thrives in humid environments, destroying potato leaves, stems and tuber

Potato leaves indicating the potato is diseased.

Understanding the solution to potato pest and disease

We must acknowledge that there is no one-size fits all solution to the challenges of pest and disease of potato. However, it is important to increase potato production. This should protect the farmers, consumers, and the environment. This protection requires an integrated approach to soil, nutrient and disease management. It essentially encompasses a range of strategies that encourages:

  • the natural predators of these pest, and disease to thrive,
  • engaging nutrient management systems that builds, and equip the soil with the right resources.Well-nourished plants can fight disease/pest on their own,
  • breeding varieties with pest/disease resistance,
  • engaging disease free planting material(seeds),
  • and finally, rotating fields to break disease/pest cycles and build ups

The Ecofarms grower solution for Potato Farmers

Producing enough high-quality and affordable food sustainably is challenging worldwide. Farmers struggle to cope with this in growing populations like Nigeria. At Ecofarms Grower Solutions, we work with farmers to improve farming approaches. We focus on crop nutrient delivery and management. We combat disease and pests. We enhance food storage and delivery. We also mitigate the adverse effects of these operations on humans, the environment, and biodiversity. Our local crop advisors assist farmers. They engage in turn key agricultural innovations and solutions. These innovations are designed to address these challenges. Please contact us today to discuss how we can work with you to address any challenge.