Instructional Materials

Best Agricultural Books pdf free download Available to farmers, agricultural professionals, and agri-businesses to assist with training to acquire competent skills in organic farming and sustainable agricultural production.

our Mandate

Driving Africa’s Agricultural sustainability through knowledge sharing to increase productivity and improve livelihood of smallholder farmers.


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 Manuals and books on sustainable production of crops, maintenance of healthy soil and good agronomic practices, effective use of our fertilizers, protected cultivation of vegetables and lots more. 

Information sheets

Image with Information sheets

Summarized Tips on our products use and application. Technical guides on the cultivation and  production of common staples

products Catalogue

Farm Products, farm inputs, green house products and services. We offer  quality products and services. Take a look at our catalogue of products and services


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Training Videos on conservation Agriculture, Soil health and fertility and practical demonstrations of different aspects of farming.

Book on cultivating legumes

Ebooks, Paperbacks and Hardcovers


Best Agricultural books for sale online. Digital tools for agricultural transformation and intensification.

Farming books and Agricultural resources to drive food security, reduce poverty, and achieve zero hunger.

Free agricultural resources to drive sustainable agricultural development.

Resources for food and agricultural development.

Publications on sustainable agricultural development.


Book on greenhouse farming

image of protected farming

Protected cultivation and greenhouse manual. A manual on construction, requirements and management of greenhouse structures for Tropical Regions like Nigeria. Best book on protected cultivation of vegetables in Nigeria. Containing cost effective ways of starting a green house farm in Nigeria.

Achieving sustainable cultivation and production of staple Legumes VOL.1

This manual is designed to aid intending and existing farmers, extension workers, and the likes to improve on their practical knowledge on approaches to sustainably cultivate and produce legumes with emphases on (Common Beans, Groundnut and Soybeans).




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