Make your field produce its optimum yield per Hectare


The Ecofarms and Agroservices Grower Solutions (TEAGS)

Farming is a lot of adventure and hard work. It gets you out early in the morning with a lot on your mind to achieve. You are wondering how the years farm outing would be? With a lot of uncertainties; soil nutrient challenges, rising cost of inputs, pest and disease, and above all increasing weather anomalies. Would the year’s outing be worth the trouble?
At TEAGS, we are familiar with such worries. As farmers we can identify with your challenges. We are a team of  hard working farmers like you existing nearly a decade now. Grounded in your success, our local field and crop advisers will help you make the most out of every input, every plot and acre. We work alongside with you to dig deep and pinpoint what you need, where you need it, when you need it and how best it will serve you. 
These needs could be:


Soil health and fertility are key areas of concern to farmers. Recent times have witnessed an unprecedented decline in soil health and fertility, this has further been worsened by the rapidly changing weather anomalies, and rise in the cost of fertilizers. We work with Farmer's to identify their unique field nutrient needs by deploying rapid soil nutrient testing and interpretation. Data generated guides us on the precise nutrient needs of the field. This aids us to achieve optimal yields and limit waste. We equally deploy satelite technology for precision disease,weed and pest control and management.


Our services cut across supplies of inputs for growth like fertilizers, bio stimulants, quality seeds and seedlings. Inputs for crop protections like fungicides, insecticides, pesticides etc. Machineries to aid productivity and optimum yields. We Firmly believe that timely access to premium low-cost farm inputs is a critical area that guarantees food security. We work with small, and medium scale farmers to provide them early and adequate access to their desired and unique inputs, be it modular farm machineries, seedlings or tissue culture plantlets, seeds, fertilizers and agrochemicals.


Nearly 40% of all grown food in Sub Saharan Africa is lost due to poor pre- and Post-harvest management. This further exacerbate food insecurity. Such food waste is largely attributed to aflatoxicity in staple grains and rot in perishables. TEAGS work with Farmers to identify and deploy good agronomic practice to mitigate pre- and Post-harvest losses and greatly limit aflatoxin in the food systems, further enhancing food health and security for consumers.

image of an extension worker training a farmer



TEAGS  walk side by side with Farmers, field workers, farm organizations and industry stakeholders to advise, train and equip them on the best decisions, practices and managements to drive a sustainable agricultural and economic development in their fields. These could include just how best to predict the weather and maximize yields, manage soil nutrition, weeds, pest, disease and market linkage. 

Only The Best


Hand holding soil with a sprouting plant, symbolizing sustainable agriculture and soil health.

Crop Management

We make crop management easy, from seedbed preparation, to sowing of seed according to crop fitment to maintenance and harvest.


We can help communities reforest again. We can handle your tree planting projects as well as supply economic trees.

Trainings on Climate Smart Agriculture

We offer trainings on Climate Smart Agriculture /conservation Agriculture to Agronomists, farmers and stake holders to enhance their productivity, enhance crop resilience and reduce carbon footprints.

Quality Seed Supply

The quality of seed also determines the quality of harvest, we offer range of quality seeds, to tissue cultured seedlings to ensure a bumper harvest.


We offer Irrigation services specific to the needs of your crops to ensure efficiency and water conservation.

Farm Estate Design, Setup and management

We work with clients to design, setup and manage Estate farms. Drawing up minimum requirement of good agronomic practices(GAP) required to achieve health and yield per hectare.

expert Advice

Farming Tips & Tricks

Image of soil samples taken for testing
Why soil Test is important to maximise resources and Yields.
How rotating legumes with cereals can improve soil health and food security.
image of two different soils responding to diseases differently
Tips Farmers Should Know in Achieving a Disease Suppressive Soil.


Keep in touch with us! We are available during business hours