Our vision is to work with farmers to address rising challenges in the field to guarantee the sustainable production of sufficient high quality food for an ever growing population. We can never achieve such an epic feet alone. Joining the Ecofarms and Agroservices Company, gives you a life time opportunity to work with an enthusiastic group of people with profound interest in solving Problems, helping farmers to achieve more yields and health per hectare; and Importantly, achieving all this with minimal environmental and human impacts.
Sustainability and Moderation
we believe in sustainability, and moderation in all that we do. We understand the impact of our business on man, the environment, and biodiversity. We are committed to continue to provide a leading voice via our organisation and exploit vantage points on farming methods, and food management protocols aimed at achieveing sustainable food security, and environment in Sub-saharan Africa. These strategies are designed to help reduce the risk in agricultural production, benefiting farmers consumers and the environment.
why we're the best
We Value Health, Safety, and Wellness.
At the Ecofarms, our passion for the environment, and consumers starts with our firm commitment to ensuring the safety, prosperity and comfort of our employees, customers, and the community we interact with.
Professional Workspaces
Our workspaces are professionally designed to offer comfort while seating to work, individual space for creativity and room for departments to function as a team.
We engage innovative partnerships, to enable produce high quality products and services in serving the general public.
We prioritize high quality equipment to enable our team deliver on high quality jobs with a professional outlook.
& Inclusive Environment
Our work environment fosters growth and development, fairness, equitable access to resources, collaboration, accountability, respect and a sense of uniqueness and belonging to every staff.
why we're the best
What People Say
Working with the Ecofarms has given me opportunities to grow, learn, and interact with Farmers and better understand their needs and challenges. I have enjoyed working in an environment that allows you to thrive.
Martins Babuwa
As a local field adviser, my career path has exposed me to numerous Farmers, through fears, concerns and challenges. This has further motivated me and am more confident meeting their needs.
Peace Ajik
Local field ADVISER
As an undergraduate intern, the opportunity to work at The Ecofarms has exposed me to equal, practical and professional aspects to my career. It's been a life time opportunity.
Dinchi Sheni
Contracts Won
We've got you covered.
Our company is a collective of amazing people.
Whether graduates looking to build a career, students and interns looking to sharpen skills or outright enthusiast looking to burn some passion; there is ample room for you at the Ecofarms and Agroservices Company. We encourage individuals with such interest to explore working with us. Our diverse company welcomes individuals from various disciplines, orientation, religions and understanding. If you consider yourself one, kindly write us today indicating your interest and we will have a staff follow up with you.